Le programme du 20e Colloque International de Soins de Longue Durée
et du 15e Congrès de l’E.D.E.

Diriger une maison pour personnes âgées, aujourd’hui et demain
Pressions, concessions, compromis et solutions

27-29 Septembre 2017
Centre de Congrès “Jordanki”, Aleja Solidarności 1-3, Toruń

27 Septembre 2017 Cérémonie d’ouverture

  • 17:00 - 17:40
  • 17:40 - 18:40
    Le directeur d’une maison de soins – manager ou magicien?
    Prof. Piotr Błędowski /Pologne/
    A presentation of factors having an impact on the functioning of long-term care institutions and their directors. Vital problems and the possibilities to face the emerging challenges. Institutional support politics and the chances for preventing new problems. Priorities and the hierarchy of goals for both the institution and its manager.

    Le rôle des maisons de soins dans notre société
    Michael Kirschner /Suisse/
    The only constant in our modern societies is change! How does social and economic change affect the role of care homes in European societies? The presentation outlines different developments in European societies and discusses how they affect the role of care homes in society. Different future scenarios regarding the role of care homes in European societies are presented and discussed.
  • 18:40 - 23:30

28 Septembre 2017

  • 09:00 - 12:00
    Panel discussion for Care Home Managers [not translated]
    „Aktualne problemy w funkcjonowaniu domów pomocy społecznej”

    Moderator: Grzegorz Baranowski

    1. Problemy z zabezpieczeniem usług zdrowotnych mieszkańcom DPS

    · bariery systemowe
    · miejsce i rola pielęgniarki w DPS
    · miejsce innych zawodów medycznych (fizjoterapeuci, ratownicy medyczni)
    · postępowanie z lekarstwami podopiecznych

    2. Sytuacja organizacyjna i prawna domów pomocy społecznej:

    · dostrzegalny brak kadr – polityka płacowa
    · sposób finansowania usług
    · stan prawny nieadekwatny do problemów występujących w DPS
    · zmiany w przepisach prawa

    3. Kierunki zmian – dobre praktyki

    · zmiana jakościowa w DPS
    · deinstytucjonalizacja w DPS
    · DPS a środki unijne w nowej perspektywie finansowej (prezentacja projektów)
  • 09:00 - 11:00
    Modérateur: Jiri Horecky

    Le client est roi!
    Aad Koster /Pays-Bas/
    Persons with dementia are important clients of residential care. It is estimated that 20-30% persons with dementia in different European countries live in different residential care settings. The presentation will discuss some ethical aspects of care: The importance of timely diagnosis and post-diagnostic support, appropriate information about diagnosis, sharing of information within the care teams etc. The main focus will be on advanced dementia care and its ethical dilemmas.

    Les soins de personnes démentes – le contexte éthique
    Iva Holmerova /République Tchèque/
    Persons with dementia are important clients of residential care. It is estimated that 20-30% persons with dementia in different European countries live in different residential care settings. The presentation will discuss some ethical aspects of care: The importance of timely diagnosis and post-diagnostic support, appropriate information about diagnosis, sharing of information within the care teams etc. The main focus will be on advanced dementia care and its ethical dilemmas.

    The Incontinence Problem. Solutions for Long-Term Care Institutions
    Piotr Daszyński /Poland/

    Les attentes envers les soins et les soignants vs. les capacités réelles des soignants
    Sirpa Elisabet Salin /Finlande/
    How to find compromises and solutions with limited human resources and unlimited clients´ wishes – the impact of cultural differences on the care of residents/dependents. Finland is in the middle of profound changes in social and health care. The structures are changing, especially in elderly care. Health care providers need to create a new culture for elderly care. The lecture will concentrate on residents‘ own will, on how and where they want to spend the rest of their life. Many studies have shown that our elders have too many transitions from home to hospital in their last years of life. Many of them spend their final years on wheels. It is the responsibility of the manager to create a care process in which the elder’s, their family’s and the professionals‘ point of views are expressed, and to which all are committed. The manager must also assess the resources and structure of the staff and how the family is included in the caregiving process and the elder’s life.
  • 11:00 - 11:30
  • 11:30 - 13:30
    Modérateur: Jiri Horecky

    Pour une culture d’équipe multidisciplinaire – Consommateur/Patient/Client/Homme
    Matěj Lejsal /République Tchèque/
    A multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach is mentioned to be one of the most effective and efficient ways of delivering and planning the care. The MDT will develop a unique communication structure and specific strategies for problem and conflict solving. A case study of a successful palliative care implementation into a residential aged care facility will show possible challenges and benefits of the MDT environment. The study provides deeper insight in the outcomes of the MDT approach for residents, as well as the management methods used for different professional cultures and the differences in MDT members‘ competence and effective communication structures.

    Le bonheur a besoin de compagnie – comment construire la satisfaction en équipe
    Artur Kasprowicz /Pologne/
    The lecture concerns achieving professional satisfaction based on personal happiness. A satisfied manager builds his/her team on the basis of the highest ethical values. This leads to forming a group of employees where the relationships between people are on the highest intended level. It results in the improved quality of services and interpersonal relationships.

    Les attentes du personnel soignant vs. la réalité
    Marjo-Riitta Rikala /Finlande/
    Employees expect varied and fulfilling work, which will develop their skills while improving the quality of nursing care. The Kunta10 study aims to determine the changes taking place in the work of staff in the municipal sector as well as their impact on the health and well-being of the staff. The study results are used for improving personnel well-being and quality of work life. In my lecture I will show how we can use the Kunta10 results, available in March 2017, to ensure that employee expectations reflect reality.

    ECREAS - présentation du projet EDE & EAHSA
    Freek Lapré /Pays-Bas/, Jiří Horecký /République Tchèque/
  • 13:30 - 14:30
  • 14:30 - 16:00
    Modérateur: prof. Piotr Błędowski

    De maisons de soins publiques aux fournisseurs modernes de services de soins. La gestion de maisons de soins accompagnant le changement de la 1e à la 5e génération.
    Martina Pojer /Autriche/
    Une plus grande maison de soins = une qualité de vie inférieure: mythe ou vérité?
    Jiri Horecky /République Tchèque /

    Over the past few years, we have heard some growing tendencies and trends (coming not only from the EU level, but also from some members states), saying that we should “get rid“ of big nursing homes and replace them with smaller ones. The main argument being used is the quality of life. Nevertheless, the suggested smaller capacities are not 100, 80 or 60 beds. The proposals are about 8, 12 or maximum 40 beds. How does and can the total capacity really have influence on the quality of life? Is this model economically sustainable in the European countries? And finally, do we want one ideal model if our individual lives and our preferences are not the same?

    Romain Gizolme /France/
    Despite the difficulties related to age and sometimes disability, elderly people in institutions or at home are best placed to talk about old age, their daily lives and ways to improve their quality of life. However, professionals and families often tend to speak in their place at the risk of obscuring the real consideration of their ideas, needs and wishes. In order to give them a voice and allow them to fully exercise their citizenship rights, the Association of Directors for the Elderly (AD-PA) launched Citoyennage (contraction of "citizenship" and "great age") project. The vocation of Citoyennage is to give the means to the elderly to express themselves on the questions that concern them on a daily basis, through annual meetings. These annual meetings give rise to the drafting of a synthesis containing recommendations and concrete proposals which can then be carried by the members of Citoyennage within their respective institutions.
  • 16:00 - 16:30
  • 16:30 - 18:00
    Modérateur: Marcus Leser

    “Care and Cure” – “soignez et traitez”
    Prof. Thomas Klie /Allemagne/
    Care and Cure in the international discussion around a profiling of professional care is gaining more and more importance in the distinction between Cure and Care. This applies both to the paradigmatic orientation of care between participation and medicine as well as in the organization of work: the commitment of specialists in long-term care.

    Les nouveaux besoins de la génération du baby boom
    Anna Jörger /Suisse/
    The so-called baby boomer generation in Europe is gradually reaching retirement age. Persons of this generation have their own ideas of ageing well. The presentation will outline the different social, political, and environmental influences that are important to understand their needs regarding life, living and care in advanced age. Furthermore, the presentation will discuss what kind of care institutions are useful in the future to cover the needs in general and with particular focus on the actual developments in Switzerland.
  • 19:30

29 Septembre 2017

  • 09:30 - 11:00
    Modérateur: prof. Piotr Błędowski

    Gérer le changement
    Grażyna Wójcik /Pologne/
    Change is an indispensible element of management. We are destined to face it. The challenge therefore is to make the change an opportunity, not a threat for the organization.

    Le rôle du directeur dans le changement (ôter procès)
    Fabio Bonetta /Italie/
    My topic is about the role of director in the change. The centre of my speech will be about the experience of 28 years of managing social institutions. In my opinion, ethics, competence, independence, quality and innovation must be the target of our actions. At present, times are hard for social matters, but it's also possible to change the situation and make people have a better life by applying these conditions. I honestly think that organizations like ours depend on the reliability and the responsibility of the director. The most important target is the future, while having respect for the past and living the present..

    Le changement des conditions de travail et des attentes envers les services sociaux
    Hubert Perfler /Italie/
    At this moment, social services must find a different way of serving people: financial crisis, difficult way of life and lack of specific services don't allow us to work in a proper way for the people. We must create different opportunities for the elderly as well as for people with disabilities and for the activities we can offer to them. Also the increasing age of elderly is a challenge for the services we can offer.
  • 11:00 - 11:30
  • 11:30 - 13:00
    Modérateur: Markus Leser /Suisse/

    Dementia Support Australia Supporting carers and people with behavioural and psychological symptoms of Dementia
    Prof. Colm Cunningham /Australia/

    Challenges and benefits of providing multi cultural aged care
    Peter Hennessy /Australia/

    Care homes in Europe: public and private provision over the last decade
    Daniel Molinuevo /Ireland/
    This report provides an overview of how public and private (both for-profit and non- profit) provision of care homes for older people has changed over the last decade. There has been much change in the ownership of care homes, although there are no EU-wide data disaggregated by type of ownership and/or the economic purpose of service providers. The report also provides information from studies, evaluations, and surveys about the differences between the accessibility, quality and efficiency of services provided in public and private care homes.

  • 13:00
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